Beautiful, fragrant, fresh herbs straight from the Growers Fields and GreenHouses.... Ready to get your customers more business...
Do you Love Herbs?
Our Suppliers....
We pride ourselves on getting the best produce - Westland's is a prime example of our high end suppliers and are known for their perfection. Have a look at their range - We supply them all!
WestLands -
Our Specialities...
Micro Herbs - Micro Basil, Micro Broccoli etc
Fresh and Dried Herbs - Basil, Chervil, Mint, Sage etc
Thai Specialities - Banana Leaves, Taro Root etc
Edible Flowers
Contact Us...
Sales - Tel: 020 8138 2874
Mobile Tel: 07770 286422
Email....... Click Here!
New Covent Garden Market
Nine Elms Lane
London SW8 5JJ